Live Where You Learn.

大峡谷州立大学不仅仅是一个学习的地方. 这是一个寻找人脉、机会、经验和自我的地方. 没有比住在校园里更好的方式来完成这一切了.

If you've lived on campus before, 你就会明白,没有什么比成为一名湖人球员更好的方式了. 大山谷的生活中心提供所有你想要的功能与校园的便利和优势, such as:

  • Unique social experiences.
  • 随时可用的学术资源和支持.
  • Convenient dining options.
  • The relief of only paying one bill.


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Allendale Campus

Map of the Robert C. 皮尤大急流城校区和大急流城住房选择.

Downtown Grand Rapids Campus



First-Year Housing Options

North Campus Neighborhood

South Campus Neighborhood

Upperclassman Housing Options

South Campus Neighborhood

Downtown Grand Rapids Campus Neighborhood

North Campus Neighborhood

For First-Year Students
Multiple Styles to Choose From
Easy Access to Academic Resources and Classes

Traditional-style Living Centers

传统风格的生活中心是为一年级学生提供的男女混合生活中心. These buildings provide the traditional, or "true" college experience, 培养建立关系的社区意识. It’s common to see room doors propped open, hear music playing, residents chatting across the hall, and hanging out or studying in the lounges.

虽然这些建筑都有社区风格的浴室, we offer private shower rooms that have a toilet, shower, and sink. 这些建筑位于Kleiner Commons、辅导中心、Fresh Food Co .附近.燃料和麦基诺大厅,大多数新生都在那里上课. 

Learn More About Traditional-Style Housing

Traditional-Style Buildings:


Cluster-style Living Centers

Similar to traditional-style, 集群风格培养了一种社区意识,居民们很快形成了彼此之间的关系. It’s common to see room doors propped open, hear music playing, residents chatting across the hall, and hanging out or studying in the lounges. 这栋楼有社区风格的浴室,但也提供储物柜, private shower rooms, 而且每个卫生间的学生数量比传统卫生间少. 

Learn More About Cluster-Style Housing

Cluster-Style Buildings:

Cluster-style housing virtual reality tour.

Suite-style Living Centers

套间式单元每间由两名学生组成, 每间套房有四名学生,共用浴室, reserved for freshmen. 两名住户合住一间带洗手池、家具齐全的双人房. 套间风格是形成社区意识和与其他居民建立关系的好方法. 如果居民想成为健康中心的一部分,我们鼓励他们选择套房风格, Wellness, and Movement House living/learning community 这些建筑位于Kleiner Commons、辅导中心、Fresh Food Co .附近.燃料和麦基诺大厅,大多数新生都在那里上课. 

Learn More About Suite-Style Housing


Suite-Style Buildings:

Suite-style living centers.

One-Bedroom Apartment Style

一居室的公寓式公寓是为一年级学生保留的. 每间公寓设施齐全,设有带厨房的私人浴室. 而居民仍然共享他们的卧室/生活空间, 它们比集群或传统风格拥有更多的隐私和灵活性. 居民们仍然在这里形成了一个强大的社区和联系. 这些建筑位于Kleiner Commons、辅导中心、Fresh Food Co .附近.燃料和麦基诺大厅,大多数新生都在那里上课.


One-Bedroom Apartment-Style Buildings:

One-bedroom apartment style VR tour.

Two-Bedroom Apartment-Style

一年级学生也可以选择两居室的公寓式公寓. 这些建筑允许学生拥有自己的私人卧室,但仍然完全沉浸在大学生活中.  这些建筑位于北校区,靠近Kleiner Commons、辅导中心、Fresh Food Co ..燃料和麦基诺大厅,大多数新生都在那里上课. 公寓式单元为居民提供了更多的隐私,同时也鼓励他们通过与同楼层的人建立联系来建立社区, attend programing events, and other events on campus.


Two-Bedroom Apartment-Style Buildings:

Two-bedroom apartment style VR tour.

South Campus Neighborhood

Off-Campus Feel, On-Campus Convenience
Living Learning Communities Available

On-Campus Apartments

校内公寓主要是为返乡的居民、转学生和研究生提供的. 如果她们是科学或工程女性的一部分,第一年的居民有资格选择校园公寓 living/learning communities. 校内公寓为居民提供了更多的隐私和空间, 同时离班级和校园资源也很近很方便. 它们位于南校区,靠近蓝色连接, Frederik Meijer Honors College, and the Kirkhof Center. 居民可以享受自己卧室的隐私和额外的生活空间, 同时还能享受南校区的社区生活. Outside, there is a volleyball and basketball court, 还有一个大庭院,你通常会看到学生们在那里闲逛或玩户外游戏. 

Learn More About On-Campus Apartments


Allendale On-Campus Apartment Buildings:

On-campus apartment style living centers at GVSU.

Off-Campus Apartments (GV Leased for F24/W25)

大峡谷州立大学很高兴提供GV租赁, 为2024年秋季/ 2025年冬季学期提供48 West和Campus West的校外住房,以容纳越来越多希望与GVSU住房和住宿生活一起生活的归国学生! These properties are available for returning, transfer, and graduate students, 通过自我选择过程可以选择空格. 48 West的居民可以享受非凡的设施, including furnished rooms, a community fire pit, pool, in-apartment washer and dryer, central air, and private patio or deck. Similarly, 校园西的居民将受益于带家具的房间, a gym facility, study lounge, in-apartment washer and dryer, central air, and personal closets.

Allendale Off Campus Apartments (GV Leased):

grand valley leased off campus options

No video available

On-Campus Apartments: Robert C. Pew Campus

A Short Walk from Downtown Grand Rapids
Near GVSU Business and Engineering Facilities
Live near academic programs

On-Campus Apartment: Secchia Hall

Located on the Robert C. 皮尤大学校园对面就是理查德·M. DeVos Center, Secchia Hall features fully furnished one, two, three, 带空调和现场健身设施的四卧室公寓(供赛奇亚和冬季馆的居民使用). 住在这里的学生住得离教室很近,很方便, DeVos student services, and downtown Grand Rapids. The Laker Line is nearby, allowing for quick access to downtown, the Health Campus, and the Allendale campus. 


Grand Rapids On-Campus Apartment Buildings:


On-Campus Apartment Winter Hall

Located on the Robert C. 皮尤大急流城校区,对面是理查德M. DeVos Center, 冬季大厅设有设施齐全的一卧室和两卧室,配有空调和现场健身设施(供Secchia和冬季大厅的居民使用)。. 住在这里的学生住得离教室很近,很方便, the Pew campus student services, and downtown Grand Rapids. The Laker Line is close, allowing quick access to downtown, the Health Campus, and the Allendale campus. 



Grand Rapids On-Campus Apartment Buildings: 

Winter Hall on-campus housing on the Robert C. Pew Grand Rapids campus.

Page last modified September 23, 2024