欢迎来到股权 & 包含委员会

4 members of the Teach in Group C#11 st和ing in a circle smiling

什么是公平及包容委员会 ?

We are the latest governing committee created in 2017. Our 委员会 works to ensure that the voice of the faculty is continually heard by the 大学 Academic Senate on question of Equity 和 Inclusion.

的 Equity 和 包含委员会 is comprised of 11 faculty members representing the different colleges 和 the library, an undergraduate 和 a graduate student from the Student Senate, 及六名行政当局成员(当然成员).

使命:  的 role of the Equity 和 包含委员会 is to promote 和 facilitate faculty involvement in support of a healthy 和 equitable campus climate.  的 committee accomplishes its role by engaging in social justice 和 diversity issues on campus, 包括但不限于:

  • Advising UAS on policies 和 practices to recruit, 支持和保留多样化的教师队伍, 工作人员, 学生身体(e.g., reviewing the Affirmative Action Plan on an annual basis).
  • Organizing 和 running events to promote awareness of the importance of social justice 和 campus diversity (e.g., 座谈会).
  • Identifying faculty for the various university awards related to diversity.
  • Fostering faculty involvement in student recruitment 和 retention efforts(e.g., working with pipeline, bridge, student support, 和 curricular programs).
  • 作为联络人的 包容与公平司学生会多元化事务委员会.



网站 provides updates on the work of our BIPOC特遣部队, which have made significant strides in addressing priorities from the Black Student 2024年冬天的市政厅.

  • 参与: 70名学生、教职员工, including 5 members of the SLT participated over the summer in 7 任务部队.
  • 成就:对现有产品进行评审 practices, leading to the formulation of multiple detailed 建议 seeking to enhance diversity, equity, 和 inclusion 整个大学.
  • 建议:重点关注44个领域(部分重叠) between groups) such as enrollment engagement, diversity among faculty 和 工作人员, student support, DEI training, 和 university 品牌. 的se 建议 will be factored into upcoming 优先排序和预算讨论.
  • 继续努力:监督 实施将由 I&E 激活 & 问责领导小组(AALT)欧洲杯押注战略管理 计划(SEMP)团队,并向学生事务处查询有关资料 建议. 负责人民、公平和 Culture will play a pivotal role in ensuring the sustainability 和 正在进行的计划的一致性. 特别工作组 marketing 和 品牌 will evolve into more formal advisory bodies 致相关领域.


  • 大学 DEI-AB框架  (学生事务处)
  • 大学图书馆
    • 图书馆 委员会的想法 2017年开始活跃
    • Focus to structural 和 policy inequity 和 user education 和 使用MCOD模型的交战
    • Paid BIPOC committee formed to investigate decision-making structures
    • 图书馆 faculty include a DEI-related goal in their Faculty 工作计划
  • 塞德曼商学院
    • HBCU articulation agreements for graduate programs
    • DEI在招聘过程中的主动性
    • Commitment to track the number of minoritized faculty members 和学生 
  • 教育与社区创新学院
    • 委员会 on anti-racism 和 social justice meets monthly
  • 布鲁克斯跨学科研究学院
    • DEI taskforce administered a questionnaire to faculty in 2023年的夏季和秋季
  • 文理学院(CLAS)
    • 一堂课DEI-AB 委员会 从2023年冬季开始每月举行一次会议
    • All CLAS Unit Heads were asked to create a DEI-AB Plan 从2022年秋季开始
  • 柯克霍夫护理学院
    • Working on the creation of a DEI committee as of Fall 2023
    • Implementing a holistic approach to admissions that removes 一些偏见



新! 第一个 报告预览 迭代(秋季2024)可以在这里找到 !

大峡谷州立大学 is committed to fostering an environment where faculty, 工作人员, 和学生 can thrive.  反馈 和 insights are invaluable in helping us achieve this goal. We believe that faculty satisfaction plays a crucial role in the overall 我们机构的成功之处. 他们对不同方面的看法 their academic journeys are vital to shaping a more fulfilling 和 支持性工作环境.  出于这个原因, GVSU也加入了 的 Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE) 2023 - 2026年./这是哈佛大学的一个长期项目 大学’s Graduate School of Education, led by R. 托德•本森 关注教师. 

As part of the collaboration, during Winter semester 2024, faculty 被要求参加COACHE的 教师工作满意度调查./ coach将 provide to GVSU diagnostic reports 和 regular consultations with the COACHE team on how to make meaning 和 act from the data.  在秋天 2024, GVSU faculty will be engaged to review the findings 和 to start 进行更改. 

Over the past few years, the university has heard various feedback through faculty fora, the Climate Survey, 和 faculty governance. 现在, we want to dive deeper to better underst和 how we can improve the 在GVSU的教职经历. 



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我们发现自己正处于美国经济发展的一个独特关头.S. 劳动的历史. 第一次, five generational cohorts are working alongside one another in workplaces across the nation: Silent/Traditionalists,...

Embracing Neurodiversity: Building Neuro-Inclusive Work 和 Learning Environments

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校园民主参与联盟 Spotlight


Learn more about the GVSU Campus Democratic Engagement Coalition.



Gr和 Valley received the All In Campus Democracy Challenge 2021 Best Action Plan Award for Michigan Collegiate Voting Challenge - 4-year Institution, along with a Gold Seal for nonpartisan voter participation (投票率70-80%).


Check the learning opportunities offered by the I&E研究所
