出口管制 概述

俄罗斯/乌克兰更新: 由于俄罗斯和乌克兰的冲突,出口制裁正在迅速改变. If 任何 of your work involves 俄罗斯, 白俄罗斯, 或乌克兰, or the other comprehensively sanctioned countries (伊朗, 古巴, 朝鲜, 叙利亚), contact the ORCI to discuss your planned activities 之前 指挥他们. 美国.S. 政府对这些国家有非常严格的规定, 和 an export license is usually required to conduct work/transactions with individuals in these countries, even if no monetary exchange is involved.

美国政府控制敏感设备的出口, software 和 技术 as a means to promote our nation's security interests 和 foreign policy objectives. Through the export control system, the U.S. 政府可以通过限制访问最敏感的美国信息来有效地保障国家安全.S. 技术 和 weapons; promote regional stability; consider human rights; prevent the proliferation of weapons 和 technologies, including weapons of mass destruction, to end users 和 supporters of international terrorism; 和 comply with international commitments including the UN Security Council. These web pages have been designed to provide faculty, 学生, 和 staff with access to resources to assist University personnel in keeping compliant with federal laws 和 guidelines.  

Export controls is a responsibility of the Office of Research Compliance 和 完整性 (ORCI) at Gr和 Valley 状态 University. ORCI根据联邦法规和遵从性制定了指导方针. 研究行政副教务长是大学的授权官员. 


Please also see below for more information regarding:


如果您对出口管制有任何疑问,请与我们的办公室联系(049詹姆斯H. •藏伯格大厅) at (616) 331-3197 or (电子邮件保护).

Export Control Policies for university employees

Export Control Policies, Procedures, 和 Guidance

Export controls present unique challenges to universities 和 colleges because they require balancing concerns about US economic vitality 和 national security with traditional concepts of academic freedom 和 dissemination of research results. University personnel need to be aware that export control laws 和 regulations 可以应用于他们的研究和创造性实践,无论是否赞助.


GVSU制定了与GVSU出口管制相关的政策、程序和指导. 有关资料可参阅下列网页及文件:

GVSU Export Control Policy

GVSU Export Compliance Program H和book



University Activities 和 Technology Control Plans

Federal laws govern how items, 技术, 和 data may be exported from the United 状态s or shared with foreign persons within the United 状态s. 出口管制问题有时会作为研究活动的一部分出现. It is t在这里fore important that the Office of Research Compliance 和 完整性 is aware of the types of research projects in which GVSU faculty are engaged. 

有一些 红旗 在可能引起额外出口管制关切的研究和大学活动中. If your research involves 任何 of these flagged activities, please contact the ORCI to discuss your situation ((电子邮件保护)).

If export controlled assets are identified in your research, it may be necessary to develop a Technology Control Plan (TCP). TCPs assist GVSU personnel in protecting 和 complying with government controls regarding their University activities involving software, data or materials that are subject to U.S. 出口规定. 研究合规和诚信办公室将确定您的活动是否需要TCP. 如果需要的话, ORCI将为您提供适当的表格,并与您一起确保计划的完成. The TCP must be in place prior to beginning the activity.

Contracts 和 服务协议

联邦出口管制法律涵盖了广泛的设备、信息和数据. It can sometimes be difficult to determine when such items are subject to the federal regulations 和 how they should be h和led. 因此, it is critical that contracts 和 agreements entered into on behalf of the University include export control clauses, so that the University can be notified in advance of receiving these items to ensure proper protections are in place.



  • Non-Disclosure Agreements
  • Material Transfer Agreements
  • 数据使用协议
  • 测试协议
  • Research Collaboration Agreements
  • 服务协议
  • 租赁协议
  • 采购协议


请浏览 Technology Control Office 网站下载这些表格的模板(租赁协议及采购协议除外), 其中包括在协议中使用的适当出口管制语言. 用于租赁协议和采购协议的出口管制语言, 请直接联系研究合规和诚信办公室 (电子邮件保护).

国际旅行 & 航运

When you travel or ship from the United 状态s to another country, everything you take 和/or send is termed an “export.“美国.S. federal Export Administration Regulations (耳朵), International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), 和 the Office of Foreign Assets Control (外国资产控制办公室) each have a list of embargoed/禁止ed/sanctioned countries 和 禁止ed parties that restrict imports 和 exports to certain destinations without a federal export control license.


  • 禁运制裁 (克里米亚-乌克兰,古巴,伊朗,朝鲜,苏丹和叙利亚地区)禁止 所有 未经许可证授权的交易(包括进出口).
  • 有针对性的制裁 禁止 某些商品的出口 of items, data 和/or software without a license authorization.


If you are traveling on behalf of the University to 任何 of the embargoed or sanctioned countries 确认以下, you are responsible for notifying the GVSU Office of Research Compliance 和 完整性 (ORCI) at least 30 days prior to departure. If you are taking or shipping 任何thing on behalf of the University to 任何 of the countries listed below, 您必须在物品离开美国之前获得ORCI的预先批准.S. The ORCI will determine if an export license is needed. Please contact our office at (电子邮件保护) or (616) 331-3197.


注意,对于大多数目的地和技术,可能不需要许可证. However, electronic devices (i.e., 笔记本电脑, 平板电脑, 掌上电脑, 闪存, 与研究项目)和其他技术项目可以明显不同 和 may require a license by 耳朵, depending upon the specific make/model of the equipment, 你的目的地, 等. If a license is required, it can often take several months to obtain, so you are encouraged to contact our office as early as possible.


Electronic Export Information (EEI) Filings: 美国.S. Census Bureau requires an Electronic Export Information (EEI) filing for the shipment of certain goods to foreign locations. 如下所述, 向中国运送/手工搬运物品有额外的EEI要求, 俄罗斯, 和委内瑞拉. EEI是通过人口普查局的自动出口系统(ACE AESDirect). Filing is required at least 2 hours prior to departure, unless the item is ITAR-controlled, in which case filing is required 8 hours prior to departure. 


  • 装运价值超过2500美元的单件物品或商品(运往加拿大的除外).
  • 货物中包含任何需要出口许可证或许可证的物品,无论其价值如何.
  • Any item subject to the ITAR, regardless of value.
  • Shipment of self-propelled vehicles.
  • 这批货物包含《欧洲杯押注》上的“600系列”物品.
  • 属于战略贸易授权(STA)许可证例外的出口.
  • Shipments containing rough diamonds, regardless of value.


另外, EEIs are required for the following when the shipment or h和-carry export of items is destined for 中国, 俄罗斯, 委内瑞拉:

  • 供军事用途的货物,不论其价值或内容.
  • Shipments of all ECCN items listed on the Commerce Control List, 不论其价值或是否需要出口许可证. NOTE: This includes 笔记本电脑 和 cell phones. If you are h和-carrying these items to 中国, 俄罗斯, 或委内瑞拉, 联邦法规目前要求您填写EEI文件.  


对于货物,大多数快递公司可以在处理货物时代表您提交EEI. (一定要保存一份文件的副本,至少在装运后5年.)如果您需要手提货物和/或许可出口的EEI, 如有必要,请联系研究合规和诚信办公室寻求帮助. Please contact the ORCI at least five business days 之前 sending international packages that require an EEI 和 at least 10 business days prior to departing the US with GVSU-owned items to 中国, 俄罗斯, 或委内瑞拉. ORCI will review the EEI filing requirements 和 help ensure the EEI filing is completed by the required deadline, as well as determine if an export license is required.  


GVSU IT has "clean" loaner 笔记本电脑 available for GVSU travelers. 请浏览 Safe Compute Program website for more details 和 to request a laptop.

International Collaborations

The Export Administration Regulations (耳朵), the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), 和外国资产控制办公室(外国资产控制办公室)条例共同限制了美国在海外的活动.S. 允许公民和居民与某些国家的个人一起参加. 这些限制取决于有关国家和正在进行的活动. 对于一些国家来说, 这些限制不仅包括在外国境内开展活动, 但也包括与来自这些国家的个人开展活动, 即使这个人不在这个国家. 参考表 embargoed/sanctioned/禁止ed countries below for specific countries affected by these restrictions. If you have questions about research or other activities you are planning to perform related to 任何 of these countries, please contact the ORCI prior to engaging in the activity ((电子邮件保护); (616) 331-3197).

The penalties for engaging in restricted activities without the proper export control license can be severe, 和 individuals can be held personally liable. Both individuals 和 the University can face criminal 和 civil penalties if export control violations occur.

Embargoed/Sanctioned/Prohibited Countries & 地区

Export Administration Regulations (耳朵)

International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR)

Office of Foreign Assets Control (外国资产控制办公室)

被禁止的国家: 古巴,伊朗,叙利亚

禁止国家: 白俄罗斯、缅甸、古巴、中国、厄立特里亚、伊朗、朝鲜、叙利亚、委内瑞拉

U.N. Arms 被禁止的国家: Central African Republic, 刚果, 厄立特里亚, 伊拉克, 伊朗, 黎巴嫩, 利比里亚, 利比亚, 朝鲜, 索马里, 苏丹

Embargoed / Comprehensive sanctioned countries: 
古巴, 伊朗, 朝鲜、苏丹、 叙利亚, 乌克兰(克里米亚, 顿涅茨克, Luhansk, 和 other covered regions)

有针对性的制裁 countries: 白俄罗斯, 中国, 伊拉克, 朝鲜, 俄罗斯, 乌克兰(克里米亚, 顿涅茨克, Luhansk, 和 other covered regions), 委内瑞拉

特殊的政策: 阿富汗, 柬埔寨, Central African Republic, 刚果, 塞浦路斯, 厄立特里亚, 埃塞俄比亚, 海地, 伊拉克, 黎巴嫩, 利比里亚, 利比亚, 俄罗斯, 索马里, 斯里兰卡, 南苏丹、苏丹、 越南, 津巴布韦

Targeted sanctioned countries/regions/entities: 阿富汗, Balkans (Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia/North Macedonia, 塞尔维亚, 科索沃地区), 白俄罗斯, 缅甸, Central African Republic, 刚果, 埃塞俄比亚, 香港, 伊拉克, 黎巴嫩, 利比亚, 马里, 尼加拉瓜, 俄罗斯, 索马里, 南苏丹、苏丹、 俄罗斯, 委内瑞拉, 也门, 津巴布韦

Military End-Use/End-User licensing requirements: 中国


禁止政党: Denied Parties List, Entity List, Unverified List

禁止政党: Debarred List, Munitions E.C. 订单

禁止政党: Specially Designated Nationals 和 Blocked Persons List (SDN)

Proliferation activities


Proliferation activities



This table is current as of 10/4/2024.

*危险信号:美国.S. 出口规定 禁止 proceeding with 任何 transaction if the exporter detects something suspicious or indicates an illegal activity might occur. 在这种情况下,出口商必须在进行调查之前清除危险信号. Please see this list of reg旗帜 from the Bureau of Industry 和 Security for more information.


U.S. governmental agencies maintain lists of individuals 和 entities that are barred or restricted from entering into certain types of transactions with U.S. 个人和实体. These lists include specially designated nationals, 和 individuals 和 businesses that have been debarred by the Department of 状态 or restricted by the Department of Commerce because of previous violations of the regulations. The penalties for transferring or transacting with an individual or entity on these lists can be severe. GVSU policy states that University business cannot be conducted with 任何 individual or entity on a 禁止ed party list published by the Departments of Commerce, 状态, 或财政部. More information about these lists is available 在这里.


The Office of Research Compliance 和 完整性 has a software system that can easily search if an individual or entity is on one of these lists. Please contact our office ((电子邮件保护); (616) 331-3197) if you are seeking to engage in 任何 of the following transactions on behalf of the University, 和 ORCI staff will conduct a screening on your behalf:

  • International collaborations/exchanges
  • International shipments
  • 国际游客

Export Control Training

下列人员须于每年完成出口管制培训 两个 年:

  • All unit heads of academic departments
  • 由大学授权官员决定的其他选定单位的单位负责人
  • 院长/副院长/助理院长/负责审查/签署合同和协议的任命官员, 回顾研究, 和/or approve FARs 和 FAPs
  • Other individuals who are likely to review/approve/oversee activities potentially subject to export controls, as determined by the University’s Empowered Official
  • Export Control Advisory Committee members
  • 从事受有效技术控制计划(TCP)管理的工作的人员


The required export control training is provided through the University's online compliance training platform, 花旗. This training takes approximately 20 minutes to complete. 请按此查阅有关参加出口管制培训的说明.

The Office of Research Compliance 和 完整性 also offers training tailored specifically to your activities/unit. If you are interested in additional training or guidance regarding possible export control regulations affecting your activities, please contact the ORCI at (电子邮件保护) or (616) 331-3197.

Page last modified October 4, 2024