Doctor of Physical Therapy at Grand Valley State University

DPT Research Day 2024

Thursday, July 11 @ 1:30p-5:00p

DCIH 102 & DCIH 104

Research Day Schedule

Research Day Abstracts

大峡谷州立大学的物理治疗博士学位是通过 College of Health Professions. 物理治疗师因其独立评估的能力而受到重视, diagnose, 在各种临床和社区环境中治疗和预防人类运动障碍. Our program features 15 full-time faculty members, 12 of whom hold advanced clinical practice certifications. 我们的项目坐落在大急流城的医疗大道上,在学生和社区中享有很高的声誉.

欧洲杯押注的物理治疗博士课程通过了物理治疗教育认证委员会(CAPTE)的认证。, 3030 Potomac Ave., Suite 100, Alexandria, Virginia 22305-3085; telephone: 703-706-3245; email: [email protected]; website:  如果需要直接联系项目/机构,请致电616-331-5700或发送电子邮件 [email protected].

格兰谷州立大学的物理治疗项目于1985年5月获得了最初的认证. It’s most recent accreditation visit was November 11, 2014. GVSU is fully accredited through April 30, 2034. Our next accreditation visit will occur in 2033. GVSU物理治疗系授予的学位是物理治疗博士(DPT)。.

Contact Information

CHP Student Services Office @ [email protected]


Pass/Fail or Credit/No credit info

GVSU Physical Therapy requires 所有先决条件课程必须以字母(A, B, C)或数字(4)完成.0, 3.0, 2.0) grades. 以及格/不及格或学分/无学分完成的先决条件课程将不符合该计划的入学要求. The program does accept AP credit (advanced credit) as the exception.

U.S. Job Growth by 2024
Michigan Job Growth by 2024
GVSU Ranking as a West Michigan Talent Provider

Source: EMSI, 2020


According to 2020 EMSI data, 西密歇根州物理治疗师的就业机会预计将增长12%, 11% in Michigan, and 13% in the U.S.与许多其他职业相比,这一增长率高于平均水平. EMSI报告称,西密歇根州的平均年薪为85,758美元,美国为87,609美元.S. for physical therapists with doctoral degrees. GVSU物理治疗项目的毕业生可以担任以下职位:

  • Physical Therapists
  • Directors of Rehabilitation
  • Pediatric Residents
  • Travel Physical Therapists
  • Clinical Directors
  • Therapy Supervisors

Source: EMSI, 2020

The Skills Employers Want

GVSU的物理治疗博士将培养你找到你想要的工作所需的技能. Whether the skills are advanced or general, 你将打造一份肯定能吸引雇主的资质简历. 以下技能与健康科学领域的实际工作相关.

Advanced Skills

  • Physical Therapy
  • Rehabilitation
  • Home Care
  • Treatment Planning
  • Neurology
  • Case Management
  • Acute Care

Common Skills

  • Presentations
  • Communications
  • Leadership
  • Coordinating
  • Research
  • Customer Service
  • Operations
  • Infrastructure
  • Management

Source: EMSI, 2020

Other Reasons to Study Physical Therapy at GVSU

  • Experiential. 综合课程允许学生在各种临床经验中使用他们在课堂上学到的技能.
  • Individualized. 在课程的最后一个学期提供的高级主题选修课程允许学生将他们的课程集中在他们的兴趣上.
  • Competitive. GVSU的物理治疗项目获得了《欧洲杯押注网页》的全国性认可.
  • Accredited See below.


当你成为湖人队的一员时,你开启了一生的学习之路,现在像你这样的校友可以利用你的 Laker Lifetime Learning (L3) account for classes that provide greater knowledge and new skills. Your account is waiting for you to use for future classes at GVSU. All you have to do is click on the button below to find out more.

此外,2022年GVPT杰出校友获得者是Crystal Gluch, PT, DPT, CCS

Dr. Crystal Gluch, PT, DPT, 委员会认证的心血管和肺部物理治疗临床专家, 是GVSU物理治疗博士(DPT)项目的2016届毕业生吗.  Dr. 她还于2009年获得了GVSU的心理学学士学位. Upon graduating from the DPT program, 她专注于她在学校所吸引的患者群体,并接受了密歇根大学密歇根医学院的PT职位. After nearly 2 years at Michigan Medicine, 为各种心肺诊断的病人提供急危护理, Dr. Gluch过渡到安娜堡退伍军人事务(VA)医疗保健系统的研究生住院医师项目, Michigan. 

During her Cardiovascular and Pulmonary PT Residency, Dr. 格卢在专业培训和指导下不断进步, 她在医疗复杂的退伍军人群体中提供高级临床护理, rehab, and outpatient settings, completed an independent research study, and presented patient case studies at a national conference. In the same year, Dr. Gluch被选为美国物理治疗协会(APTA)密歇根分会沟通董事会成员, 领导消费者营销活动,并推动了包括APTA密歇根博客在内的多项举措, podcast, and social media presence. Dr. Gluch因其作为住院医生的工作而获得全国认可,并获得2021年APTA杰出住院医生奖.

After residency, Dr. Gluch留在安娜堡退伍军人医院,目前是一名心肺PT临床专家,为患者提供各种设置的护理, is active in research, 担任多学科门诊设施和家庭心脏康复计划的PT协调员, 也是他们心肺PT住院医师项目的教员和导师. 

In 2022, Dr. Gluch was awarded the APTA Emerging Leader for the Michigan Chapter.  这个奖项是为了表彰她从学生时代开始为她的专业协会服务多年. As a new professional, Dr. Gluch, served as the APTA Michigan Student Engagement Liaison, on the Membership and Conference Committees, organized local service drives at conferences, 她已经担任了4年的公关总监,目前正在任职6年th year as Delegate to the APTA House of Delegates.

Dr. Gluch也很自豪能成为GVSU DPT项目心肺课程的临床辅助教师. 她对教学充满热情,对心力衰竭和COVID-19特别感兴趣.  在大流行早期,她担任重症监护室的负责人,并通过持续护理治疗了许多患者.  She has since taught multiple presentations on post-COVID-19 care, 以及州级和国家级欧洲杯押注网页心力衰竭的演讲.

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Crystal Gluch Distinguished PT Alumni 2023


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格兰谷州立大学物理治疗系与 Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation Hospital to provide students an opportunity for a residency in Neurologic Physical TherapyPediatric Physical Therapy and Orthopedic Physical Therapy.

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Page last modified July 9, 2024