
Program Overview

娱乐疗法(RecTx)是专门应用娱乐和体验活动或干预,帮助维持或改善健康状况, functional capacities, 并最终影响残疾人和慢性病患者的生活质量.

娱乐治疗专业是一个为期四年的学术课程加上一个学期的实习 Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree. 通过完成包括理论和实践经验和应用在内的综合课程,毕业生准备在一个充满活力和多元文化的世界中满足消费者的健康需求. 学生需要能够运用临床推理技能,如解决问题, formulating concepts, making judgments, analyzing behaviors and tasks, and determining appropriate intervention.

The Master of Science in Recreational Therapy (M.S.R.T.) 专注于高级实践问题和能力,以提高娱乐治疗师的技能,以满足各种环境中日益复杂的消费者. The MSRT is offered as a hybrid program, 大部分课程都在网上,每学期有一到三节现场授课. It is a 33 credit, 一年制硕士学位课程,适用于拥有学士学位的注册娱乐治疗专家(CTRS).

合格的本科生可以被录取,并获得B.S. and M.S. in recreational therapy within an accelerated time frame. Students interested in the Recreational Therapy B.S. & M.S. combined degree program 按照本科课程进行娱乐治疗, 并在本科娱乐治疗课程的第一年申请研究生课程. (120 undergraduate credits, 24 graduate credits)

Apply Now:
Recreational Therapy B.S.

Undergraduate (B.S.) Application Deadline: February 15.   申请以滚动方式接受,直到所有座位都填满为止.


Apply Now:
Recreational Therapy M.S.

Graduate (M.S.) Application Deadline: February 1. 申请以滚动方式接受,直到所有座位都填满为止.


Schedule an Advising Appointment

Why Study Recreational Therapy at Grand Valley?

  • 该项目符合国家治疗性娱乐认证委员会(NCTRC)的标准。.
  • 全国认可的课程,小,欢迎程序.
  • 学生和校友活跃于地方、州和国家的专业组织.
  • Diverse opportunities for employment after graduation.
  • 服务学习贯穿整个课程.
  • Faculty members assist students in worldwide networking.
  • 毕业生准备通过完成提供理论知识以及实践经验和应用的综合课程,在一个充满活力和多元文化的世界中满足消费者的健康需求.
  • 格兰谷大学的娱乐治疗项目获得了联合健康教育项目认证委员会(www.caahep.org),并应康乐治疗教育评审委员会的建议(http://www.caahep.org/Students/Find-a-Program.aspx ).   

Admissions Process

Recreational Therapy (B.S.)

Steps to earning the UNDERGRADUATE MAJOR:

  • 学生花两年时间完成通识教育和先决课程.
  • 学生应定期与他们的学术顾问会面,以确定他们的具体学术计划.
  • With completion, or planned completion by the program's fall start, of all prerequisites and requirements, applicants submit all admissions materials. Priority Application Deadline is February 15.
  • This is a competitive secondary admission program. 成功的候选人将被通知临时进入该计划,并将与RT教师顾问会面,注册RTX课程的第一学期.
  • 成功完成第一学期课程(80%能力/B-每门课程), 学生将获准进入娱乐治疗课程.
  • 入学后,学生完成两年的全日制专业课程.

Recreational Therapy (M.S.)

Steps to earning the GRADUATE DEGREE:

  • GVSU娱乐治疗1年硕士课程要求完成娱乐治疗或治疗性娱乐本科学位.
  • 对联合学位课程感兴趣的学生将学习娱乐治疗的本科课程, 并将在本科娱乐治疗课程的第一年申请研究生课程. 对联合学位课程感兴趣的学生应定期与他们的导师会面,以确认他们的具体学术计划.
  • 申请及所需文件可透过 Graduate Admissions portal. 如果申请人以前申请过大峡谷州立大学,则免除30美元的不可退还申请费. Priority Application Deadline is February 1.
  • Admission into the program is competitive. 申请由娱乐治疗学院审查,并根据总分进行排名. The top 20 candidates are offered seats in the program. If any original candidate declines admission, 候补候选人将根据他们的总申请分数选择.
  • 成功的候选人将在秋季开始三个学期的全日制课程.

Combined Degree (B.S. + M.S.)

Students interested in pursuing the COMBINED DEGREE, Recreational Therapy B.S. + M.S. should work closely with an advisor. The combined degree application process includes:

  • 完成本科学位的先决条件并满足申请要求, then submit the Recreational Therapy B.S. program application. Priority deadline: February 15
  • Application for the Recreational Therapy M.S. 联合学位在本科娱乐治疗课程的第一年到期. Priority deadline: February 1.
  • 联合学位的申请要求包括:
  1. 在累积GPA为3的基础上,展示在联合项目中取得成功的潜力.2 or higher. 
  2. 在每门本科非娱乐性治疗课程中取得C或更高的成绩(或CR或X). 
  3. Earn a B- or higher in recreational therapy courses. 
  4. Provide a letter of intent to pursue the combined degree. 
  5. GVSU的娱乐治疗教师是否会根据课程表现提出建议. 

获取更多欧洲杯押注信息和规划协助, 学生们被要求与卫生专业学院学生服务办公室的顾问一起工作. Schedule an appointment today!

Page last modified June 27, 2022