An education in the arts lies between the practices of making, 知识反映, and an understanding of the relationship between visual media and society. 

在大峡谷州立大学, the 视觉系 and 媒体艺术 encourages majors to explore and develop their individual sense of place as human beings in relationship to the world around them. The degree programs integrate the values of a liberal education while preparing graduates for intensive engagement with the production and examination of the visual arts.




  • 艺术教育文学士
  • 艺术教育学士


  • 艺术史文学士
  • 辅修艺术史


  • 电影和录像制作学士学位
  • 电影和视频制作学士学位


  • 摄影文学士
  • 摄影学士
  • 辅修摄影


  • 工作室艺术学士
  • 工作室艺术学士
  • BFA in Studio Art (emphasis in Ceramics, 平面设计, 插图, 珠宝/金工技工, 绘画, 版画, 雕塑, 视觉研究)
  • 辅修工作室艺术

Want to take an art and media class? 看看这些选项!



There are no upcoming 事件 at this time





参观Stuart B. 芭芭拉·H. Padnos Student Gallery to experience the works on display this semester. The Padnos Gallery is located on the lower level of 考尔德 Art Center.


Banner App笔记本电脑

Beginning fall 2022, requirements and courses in the Studio Art BFA degree have been updated.

Click for More Information and the 建议 Guide 

“"The rigor of my courses developed in me a discipline to not give up when the task might be challenging and push me out of my comfort zone as an artist/person."”

Mary Lamson-Burke, BFA, Studio Art/Ceramics, 1997

Why study Visual and 媒体艺术 at GVSU?


25人以上,000 students have chosen to study at Grand Valley, making us one of the largest universities in 密歇根. We're big enough to have the impact of a major university and small enough to give you the support and resources you need to move forward and succeed. Read below why an arts education at GVSU will prepare you to succeed after graduation.



1. 你会在这里找到自己的声音

We support you during your exciting and challenging transition from learning in the classroom to learning in personal and professional worlds. Students are introduced to many avenues for their creative practice and develop the required skills to succeed in their field. Watch the video above that illustrates what the Department  has to offer.

(Shot and edited by alum, Nick Beardslee, Film & 视频制作,2017)




Grand Valley's liberal education focus prepares students for life in a fast-changing world. It fosters a commitment to economic, 社会, and environmental sustainability and an inclusive campus that values diversity. Through this forward-thinking education, students are empowered to positively affect the global community now and in the future.


The Dirk Koning Memorial Scholarship is available for Film & 视频制作专业学生

奖学金 help ensure that the best and brightest students can access a Grand Valley education and enrich our campus, regardless of their socioeconomic situation. They are a great resource to help reduce your reliance on student loans. Grand Valley has a wide variety of scholarships available to new and returning students. 

奖学金 for Visual and 媒体艺术 Students




Michelle Froh, BFA, Studio Art (版画), 2005 Spotlight

Michelle Froh, BFA, Studio Art (版画), 2005

"I love how versatile my education was. 我很感激我的时间 GVSU a lot, so much so that I feel fully able to teach art in a different language to probably the most difficult age group."

杰夫·克劳斯,北京美术学院,版画,2011 Spotlight


"Artists have all kinds of different skill sets, use them to your advantage to pay your rent and continue to make art."

Amie Bajalieh, BFA, 雕塑, 2003 Spotlight

Amie Bajalieh, BFA, 雕塑, 2003

"I left college with skills I had always wanted to learn but also with a way of thinking, evaluating, and doing that is unique to many of 我的同学们. I thank my Visual and 媒体艺术 Community and my instructors 为那."

查看更多 给校友的10个问题



The 视觉系 and 媒体艺术 belongs to the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Through our commitment to liberal education, CLAS strives to be an inclusive and equitable community of inquiry where students, staff and faculty collaborate to pursue and create knowledge, 制定全球公民身份, and to engage and support our many communities.

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Website

大峡谷州立大学 is an Institutional Member of the National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD).
